

Created in 2011 in Clermont-Ferrand by Martial Déflacieux, Artistes en résidence is a non-profit organization which supports contemporary creation by organizing residencies for artists and researchers in contemporary art. We support the international mobility of artists and the circulation of ideas and know-how, through the development of a vast network of local, national and international partners.
Artists are at the heart of the A·R’s project. Our team offers them curatorial support and provides them with spaces as well as human, technical and financial resources. A·R understands residencies as a period entirely dedicated to research and experimentation, with no obligation to produce. This orientation intends to provide artists with the necessary time for qualitative and in-depth research, to promote a real immersion in the territory and to allow all the trial and error, detours and critical questioning necessary for the development of their art practice.
A·R considers the international dimension and what it allows in terms of travel, personal development and openness to other practices and cultures, the notion of hospitality being primordial to the project. Fostering meetings and exchanges, A·R’s team puts artists in residence in touch with art professionals, researchers, associations, artisans or anyone who can help to develop their artistic research, on the local, national and international scales.


A·R is an association. The members are former residents and art professionals who support the employees in the development of the residency programs and the associative project. The internal structure is based on that of a cell evolving in a larger environment – a body or an ecosystem – emphasizing the great importance we attribute to collaborations and synergies.

A·R consists of:

The membrane

The membrane is a democratic governing body that brings together all the members of the association.

The membrane of a cell has three main functions: it delimits and protects, it informs about identity and it regulates exchanges with the external environment and other organisms. The membrane is never pre-existent, it is created by the cell and maintained throughout its life. Its characteristics can be modified; it can filter more or open up more, it can change appearance or function. Likewise, the membrane of A·R is constantly being rethought and adjusted by those who comprise and sustain it. The membrane meets twice a year for general assemblies, where it discusses and ratifies A·R’s orientations, projects and budgets.

The nucleus

The nucleus is a collective working group and think tank that debates and defines the orientations and projects of the association.

The nucleus, contained in a membrane, controls cellular activity by regulating gene expression. It is the ‘brain’ of the cell. Likewise, the nucleus is the decision-making body of A·R. It is made up of three to six people from the membrane, elected during the general assemblies. The nucleus contains at least one artist, at least one cultural professional, at least one person from the local territory and at least one foreigner in order to guarantee the representativity of the different stakeholders that make up the association. The nucleus is elected by the membrane and meets as many times as necessary to devise and discuss A·R’s projects.

The synapses

The synapses are the employees that implement the association’s projects and interconnect the various branches of the association: its members and partners, artists in residence and the various stakeholders within the territory.

Synapses are the areas of contact and transmission of nerve flow between cells. They thus ensure communication between the various organs of the body and contribute to the proper functioning of the body.
The team of employees of A·R is in charge of the development of the association and takes care of the collaboration network between members, partners and artists in residence. In the form of collegial co-coordination, they ensure the implementation of projects and administrative monitoring in accordance with the decisions taken by the membrane and the nucleus.

The ecosystem

These are all of A·R’s past, current and future partners.

Artistes en Residence has always been part of a strong network of local, national and international partners, promoting the pooling of thoughts, initiatives and resources as well as the circulation of people and ideas. These alliances and collaborations form the fertile ecosystem in which A·R is anchored, develops its actions and from which it draws its cultural diversity.


The membrane

Luc Avargues (FR, artist, in residence in 2016)
Francisco Babo (PT, artist, in residence in 2021)
Fatma Belkis (TUR, artist, in residence in 2020-2021)
Robert Carter (UK, artist, in residence in 2022)
Club Superette (FR, artist collective, in residence in 2019)
François Dehoux (FR, artist, in residence in 2017)
Antoine Dochniak (FR, artist, in residence in 2023)
Marta Espiridião (PT, curator)
Tatiana Karl Pez (FR, artist, in residence in 2019)
Marie L’Hours (FR, artist, in residence in 2020)
Henrique Loja (PT, artist, in residence in 2022)
Jordan Madlon (FR, artist, in residence in 2019)
Naomi Maury (FR, artist, in residence in 2020)
Magalie Meunier (FR, curator)
Emmy Ols (FR, artist, in residence in 2019)
Nina Oskarsdottir (ISL, artist, in residence in 2021)
Will Owen (USA, artist, in residence in 2018)
Clémentine Palluy (FR, artist)
Leonor Parda (PT, artist, in residence in 2022)
Clara Puleio (FR, artist, in residence in 2018)
Babeth Rambault (FR, artist, in residence in 2018)
Catarina Real (PT, artist, in residence in 2017)
David Revés (PT, curator)
Amélie Sounalet (FR, artist, in residence in 2021)
Elvia Teotski (FR, artist, in residence in 2018-2019)
Aliha Thalien (FR, artist, in residence in 2022)
Berglind Erna Tryggvadottir (ISL, artist, in residence in 2022)
Pieter van der Schaaf (NL, artist, in residence in 2019)
Benoît Vidal (FR, artist)

The nucleus

Marta Espiridião (PT, curator)
Will Owen (USA, artist, in residence in 2018)
Catarina Real (PT, artist, in residence in 2017)
Elvia Teotski (FR, artist, in residence in 2018-2019)
Berglind Erna Tryggvadottir (ISL, artist, in residence in 2022)

The synapses

Isabelle Henrion (LU, curator, in residence in 2016)
Bruno Silva (PT, artist, in residence in 2014)
Nino Spanu (FR, artist)
Juliette Gaufreteau (FR, graduate in gender studies and aesthetics)

The ecosystem

Artistes en Résidence is a member of AC // RA - Contemporary Art in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Arts en Résidence - National Network and Fraap - Federation of Networks and Associations of Visual Artists.
A·R receives support from the City of Clermont-Ferrand, Clermont-Auvergne-Métropole, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, the Ministry of Culture - DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and the Department of Puy-de-Dôme.
A list of all of A·R's local, national and international artistic partners can be found here.

If you are interested in becoming a member of Artistes en Résidence, feel free to contact us!