Berglind Erna Tryggvadóttir

Born in 1993, lives and works in Reykjavík, Iceland.

Berglind Erna Tryggvadóttir looks at the little things of everyday life, our accessories, trinkets, outfits, foodstuffs. Under our different forms of attachment - may they be ritualized or not - objects come to life, leaving behind their supposed inert nature. More than in the objects as such, it is in this hidden life and the multiple forms of interaction they engender that the artist is interested. She deploys the narratives that her titles introduce in the form of aporias during performances that engage audiences and her various collaborators in a collective movement. Punctuated by moments of designing and tasting various culinary creations, her works ultimately become a story of mouths, of cavities that chew materials, words and pastry cream.


17.01.22 – 28.02.22

Reykjavík Cross Residency,
in Clermont-Ferrand
in partnership with Nýló, Ambassade de France in Iceland, Alliance Française of Reykjavík and SÍM residency.

open studio

23.02.22, 18:30

Reykjavík Cross Residency,
in Clermont-Ferrand
in partnership with Nýló, Ambassade de France in Iceland, Alliance Française of Reykjavík and SÍM residency.

Ça va?

After her six-week residency in Clermont-Ferrand, Berglind Erna Tryggvadóttir would like to share with you the researche and various productions she was able to undertake during her stay. We will be delighted to welcome you in our new premises and chat over a drink.

Open studio between 6:30 p.m. and 10 p.m.Our new address : 190 boulevard Gustave Flaubert, Clermont-Ferrand.

Directions :
Tramway A - direction La Pardieu
Stop - Fontaine du Bac