Hugo Llanes

Born in 1990, lives and works in Reykjavík, Iceland.

Hugo Llanes' œuvre depicts the social and political environments in which the artist evolves. Raised in Mexico, he now lives and works in Reykjavík, Iceland. In his works, he translates the migration processes of bodies, rituals and goods that he has experienced in his own personal, spiritual and labor trajectory. Culture and identity are approached as constructions in perpetual transmutation. Food regularly functions as a medium for reflection on the complex interconnections between the local and the global. Because if eating is an act of sharing, it also reflects cultural roots, socio-economic positions and capitalist liberal trade policies. The artist highlights the chains of production, transformation and supply, and points out the systemic exploitation and domination that govern North-South relations.

In his more recent performances and video installations, the artist puts emphasis on his personal worldview, remembrance, grief and inter-human and inter-species relationships. The personal and the intimate are however deeply political, while science and history - and with them education and museography - reveal to be narrative constructions serving the dominant.


17.01.23 – 28.02.23

Reykjavík Cross Residency,
in Clermont-Ferrand
in partnership with Nýló, Ambassade de France in Iceland, Alliance Française of Reykjavík and SÍM residency.


23.02.23, 19:00

Reykjavík Cross Residency,
in Clermont-Ferrand
in partnership with somme toute

Baguettes and bows

Somme toute, Clermont-Ferrand
13bis rue Neyron
Open on Thursday 23rd February at 7pm

Fascinated by the world of games and the curious competition it allows, as well as by questions of self-performativity, Dani Reynolds tries in 2022 to break the record for the widest wig in the world. During this evening, they invite us to discover the video which retraces the process of this attempt, somewhere between performance documentation, television show and formal evidence required by the Guinness World Records.

Hugo Llanes opts for a staging borrowing from the world of business and product presentation. Through a series of documents and images, the Mexican artist illustrates the ways in which bread, as a consumer good, stretches through the history of social evolutions with, in particular, the development of the current globalized world and systemic exploitations that it engenders.

somme toute